Saturday, December 24, 2016

No Bows or Bells: Make Christmas REAL Again

Raise your hand if you spent over $50 on Christmas this year.

Yep, mine's in the air.

Now raise your hand if you felt like it was necessary to spend at least X amount on each person for their gift.

...mine's raised again.

Do you feel like you should have spent more? Do you feel guilty because you didn't buy somebody a gift? Yep. Hand raised on all counts.

How crazy is that!?

Christmas in modern times seems to have become less of a spiritual day of celebration and more of a holiday devoted to long treks to department stores, hours spent wrapping gifts and getting tangled in tape, and stressing over the one thing we never have enough of before Christmas... $ Money $

I'm about to say something crazy. Ready?


What? But what about the gifts? The tree? The HAM for the Lord's sake?

What about them? Don't you remember what Christmas is?

I think maybe that's the problem. Modern Christmas is to wrapped up in the paper and the price tags. We forget that a "holiday" has nothing to do with money, or even a day off from work. Sure, gifts are nice and so is sleeping in. But Christmas wasn't a holiday founded on giving gifts or eating huge meals surrounded by family we see once a year.

What's Christmas All About?

Christmas is a holiday. If you look closely at the word "holiday" you'll see that it is comprised of two words squished together-- "holy" and "day." We all know Christmas is holy. Churches have celebrated it for hundreds of years. And every year, the greatest story is told again and again.

 Yeah yeah, we now the story. We know it by heart. Caesar Augustus had this thing about counting his subjects and roll call came around. Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem on a donkey only to find out there was no room at the inn. The innkeeper let them sleep in the stable, where baby Jesus was born.

We ALL know this story. It's one of the most told Christmas stories of history. You don't have to be Christian to know Jesus was born in a barn. You don't need to be a Christian to have heard that Mary and Joseph swaddled the son of God and let him sleep in a manger. That's right, the son of god slept in a feeding trough.

But we seem to forget that this story, this AMAZING story, is the reason we celebrate Christmas. Note the name Christmas-- Christ and Mass squished together. It has nothing to do with bows and bells, wrapping paper and gifts, or even ham and potatoes. Christmas is a day of celebrating Christ's birth.

It's Not About the Money

When I was little I was always confused about why God had his son born in a barn. I mean, this was Jesus... King of the Jews, Son of God, Holy and Perfect. Why did his father let him enter the world surrounded by stinky animals and hay?

God could have had his son born in a palace. He could have had Jesus raised with a silver spoon and scepter. Instead, Jesus was born to a a barn...with nothing to his name on Earth.

God didn't care about the wealth of the world. He didn't care to send his son wealth and power of rule. Jesus didn't need it. He came to Earth greater than any of us. He was the son of God and he was richer than we could ever understand.

But What About the Gifts?

We give gifts on Christmas because we have to, right? Or at least, that's one train of rationale as to why we spend hundreds of dollars on presents each year. But wait, you say, Jesus got gifts on Christmas too!

Oh right! The magi did bring Jesus gifts. What was it... Frankincense, myrrh, and gold? Yes, they came and bowed before Jesus, paying homage to the messiah. But did the Bible ever say that Mary and Joseph asked for gifts? Did Jesus, ever once in his life, demand the gold and power he deserved as King? No. These gifts were given out of free will, not out of duty. They were given out of respect to God and to Jesus.

God didn't tell the wise men to bring gifts. He didn't say, "It's my kid's birthday! Make it super special!" It already was a special day, because the Son of God had come to Earth.

God gave US a gift on Christmas. He gave us the promise of eternal life, without the lifetime of sacrifices that the people before Jesus had to make. No more trips to the temple to sacrifice for sins made over the year. Jesus had come to make the ultimate sacrifice. His gift to us was greater than any toy, electronic, or dollar amount could ever be.

It's Not About Gifts... It's About Giving

When Jesus came to Earth, he did so knowing his life would be one of sacrifice. He would spend it among the sick and the sinful, the criminal and the prostitute, the fallen and the forsaken. He knew his life would be one of giving.

I think we forget that Christmas isn't about showing love through monetary value. Sure, I love presents and Santa Claus, and I really like eating a few million cookies around a fire. But I was sitting here today watching Glee of all things, and was reminded that there are people out there who would give anything to just have someone over for Christmas. People are out there who would give anything to be warm this Christmas, to have food this Christmas, to feel happy this Christmas.

And here I was, worrying about if I spent enough on gifts this year...

Christmas is more than just boxes under a tree. It's a celebration of Christ's birth, and a recognition of Christ's mission here on Earth. Christmas is about giving; giving time, giving happiness, giving love and strength... Who here has ever donated to charity for Christmas? Or spent Christmas eve handing out gloves to the homeless? Or maybe even gone to an old folks home to visit those without family?

...not me. I admit it, I've been pulled into Money's mockery of Christmas. And I am ashamed of myself. Ever since childhood I've been told that Jesus gave everything for us. I've been told for twenty years that Christmas is a day to celebrate new beginnings, to celebrate the coming of Christ, and to celebrate a new year with the knowledge that I am saved... all because Jesus came to Earth for me and you.

Make Christmas Real Again

I challenge you today to make Christmas real again. I know, I know, it is real. It's on the calendar for Pete's sake! But I don't mean real in the sense that it is a recognized holiday. I mean real as in a reality, a true Christmas, devoid of greed and selfishness. I challenge you to give something more than money this year at Christmas.

Give love and faith, give hope and strength. Do more than worry about the money and the ham. Maybe you have a strained bond with your mother and she's visiting for dinner. Speak kindly to her, and open up your heart.

Maybe you're driving by the old folks home later today. Stop in with candy canes and laughter.

Maybe you have some last minute shopping and you see someone in a Scrooge-y mood. Smile at them.

Maybe this post has really struck home and you realized that your family hasn't heard the Great Story in a long time. Read a Bible passage to your family and remind them that Christmas is more than gifts and Santa.

Put holy substance back into Christmas. We've made it too easy to diminish this amazing day into nothing more than a gift-giving holiday where we're forced to see family and socialize. But this is the GREATEST DAY ever! Jesus came to Earth this day. On this day we were saved! We should celebrate! We should give ourselves over to the tide of joy and love that overwhelmed shepherds and magi! And we should give, because what better way is there to celebrate Jesus's birth than to live in his image?!

Give more than gifts this year. Give your heart and spirit, share your love and your time. Let's make Christmas real again...and remember that it isn't about money or shiny new toys. Christmas is a day for celebrating Jesus's birth and his legacy of giving.

Merry Christmas everyone!

(Images and artwork credit to the creators. No way can I draw that well hehe!)

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