Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Waiting Game: Pray for Peace and Patience

I'm what you would call a very impatient person. I want answers immediately. It's a hard lesson to learn over and over that you have to wait for something, sometimes hours, sometimes days or weeks. Patience is said to be a virtue, and it is one I find myself lacking.

I'll be honest with you, I've struggle with my prayer life these last weeks. There's been so many struggles. Recurrent infections, bills, pain... I've felt like I was drowning.

As humans I think we too often believe we can control every aspect of our lives. We have amazing technology, advanced medicine, ships that can fly into space... Sometimes it does seem like we can control the universe, as though we can move our own mountains.

But have you ever noticed that no one's been able to move the Tetons? Sure, we've dynamited some passes through the great mountain ranges of the world, be we can't move them. And those passes are treacherous and many have died passing through them? We can't move mountains.

What do mountains have to do with patience?

Well, quite a bit, actually.

Facing Mountains

We face mountains every day. They can be bills, work, illness, you name it. How often do we try to control and tear down those mountains on our own? It's one of my fatal flaws. I'm always rushing and impatient, making quick decisions, trying so hard to control my situation.

And yet I can't. I'm still sick, still panicking, still wishing things would be fixed in an instant of magic or grace. But I'm still stuck here, worrying about life and trying to control it.

Last night I was reminded that sometimes, we have to wait. Yes, we might worry while we wait, but we should remember that while we cannot move mountains, God can. God is greater than we can comprehend. He is the only one who can move mountains. After all, He created them.

"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

Navigating the Seas

Sometimes when we're surrounded by a sea of thrashing waves, we can see only the giant wave before us. We're rushing to paddle our little rowboat away from the monstrosity, trying so hard to control our little boat's path. But another wave hits and we're thrown off course again.

We see only gray and dark skies and stormy seas. We're waiting for sunshine and smooth sailing. Our view is blinded by the telescope we have clutched in our hands, and we're trying so hard to see the horizon.

What we forget is that God sees the entire ocean. He holds the entire world in His hand, like a beautiful blown glass sphere. We may not see the horizon, but God can. He can see when the storm will end. He can see the entire route you will take, and protect you always. Remember that God can help you the entire way. Don't forget that with Jesus at his side, Peter could walk on water. It was only Peter's fear that made him falter and fall into the waves.

When he did falter, Peter was not left to drown. The Lord reached out and saved him. Matthew 24:14 "Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

God protects us, when we falter, when we are afraid. He will guide us always. Psalms 48:14 says "For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end."

Peace & Patience

How does one navigate these seas of endless trials and endless waiting? How do we bring down mountains of bills and illness? It is with patience and prayer. More importantly, it is with the Lord's peace.

We must turn our gaze to the Lord when we are impatient or afraid. My impatience usually stems from fear. That's why I'm always rushing to fix it as soon as possible. And I forget to pray for God to intercede or guide me. Instead, I turn to Him after I've already blundered or set up a doctor's appointment, and I'm praying that there will be answers. I can't ever seem to wait for His guidance, or I can't seem to look hard enough and find it waiting for me.

Let me tell you, all this worrying is driving me crazy. It took my mother-in-law to remind me that sometimes we need to pray for peace and patience. The Lord has everything in hand.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." John 14:27

God's peace will give us patience. With His hands working in our lives, we can find peace in knowing that God does not make mistakes. Whatever trials you face, know He gives us only what we can handle. Whatever fears you have, know that God is greater than them all.

When we have the Lord's peace, we can find patience in its most absolute form. With God's assurance what do we have to wait anxiously for? The Lord will take care of things in His time. No, it is not our time, but our perception of time is flawed. We cannot see everything. He can. He knows exactly when landmarks in our lives need to occur. He helps us face them, overcome them, and grow.

Pray for Peace and Patience

We must pray for peace and patience. Sometimes it is hard to face the mountains and waves alone, but we must remember that when we turn to God we do not face them alone. Prayer is a powerful thing. It brings us closer to God. Our times of trouble bring us closer to God. When we reach out to Him, we solidify the amazing, powerful, loving relationship the Lord has and wants with us. He loves us. When we ask for His help, His hand reaches down. We just can't forget that sometimes we don't understand how He is working in our lives. Sometimes struggles are for our betterment. Sometimes the unexpected is what is best for us.

So pray for understanding and pray for healing, for help, for whatever it is you need help with. But most importantly, pray for peace of mind, body, and soul. Pray for patience. The Lord's patience is divine, He forgives us time and again when we forsake Him. Pray for a shred of His patience and know that with it you can withstand the storm.

Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. "

(Images rights to artists. Music performed by Hillsong.)

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