Sunday, October 23, 2016

Has the World Lied to You?: Fighting Lies With The Belt of Truth

Who here has ever wished they had super powers?

I always wanted to be able to fly or read minds...maybe travel through time. It's a fantastic thought, having powers that make you greater than human, that make you super strong, super smart...that make you invincible.

This is the real world though. Not many of us are blessed with super powers, and those who are...we haven't seen you on the news yet. When facing the Spiritual Battles of Satan, having super powers might be kind of nice. But we don't walk against Satan alone.

I spoke earlier of the full armor of God. This mighty armor is what protects us in our battles against Satan. It is a collection of different pieces, each imbued with certain traits that make our stand against Satan all the more powerful.

Today I will speak about one important piece: the belt of truth.

"Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist," (Ephesians 6:14)

Truth Against Hell?

The Belt of Truth brings to mind fantastic images of Wonder Woman and her blinding lasso that forces you to speak the truth. It is used against villains to save the world. Well, like the lassso, the belt is used against villains, in fact it is used against The Villain.

Satan is a being of evil. He dwells in the realm of darkness and knows no light. Lies are his tools and machinations, used to destroy and delude the people of God. The Belt of Truth is our protection against these lies and is our weapon to cut them down as they stir.

John 8:44 says, "...He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

It is easy to hear the words of the world of Sin and believe that what it speaks is true. Think of the idea of the American Dream and wealth. It is true that hard work should be rewarded for its effort, and we Americans believe this results in wealth and grandeur. But we have allowed ourselves to believe that wealth is what is important in this world and so greed has taken root in our culture. The sin of Greed leads to lies and deceit, it leads to the destruction of compassion, all to reach the goal of wealth and prosperity.

Think also on the culture of lust generated in modern times. Adults can look at porn, and so long as children aren't involved, it can be considered normal...acceptable even. But we now see a rise in culture where both women and men are objectified as sexual entities, where personal image and vanity is more important than spiritual self.

We live in a world where people spew hate and fear about other nations, other people as a whole because of the actions of the few. We live in a world where bigotry is a common trait in politicians and their words often incite fear among the people.

This world has heard the lies of Satan; vanity, greed, lust, hate, and it has grown to accept them as normal. The world has taught us that we can reach wealth and prosperity through lies and vanity, but this world is not the one we should seek eternal happiness in.

The Belt of Truth fights back against this.

The Whole Truth

Remember that this world is impermanent. It will fade away, consumed by Satan. It is towards Heaven we must reach, where our hard work and devotion to God is paid off in sum, no taxes, deductibles, or surprise fees included.

This world will seek to deter you from reaching Heaven. It will seek to wrap you in the gauze of greed and lust and pull you into sin.

But with the Belt of Truth, you can remain steadfast. Know that though the world's words may sound sweet, they do not lead you down a true and holy path. Only through the truth of the Lord can we know happiness and pure, true wealth of the spirit. We have the Belt of Truth about our waist, we need only follow it's guiding light.

Psalm 43:3 Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling!"

Even powerful men who have left this world have recognized the value of truth. Thomas Jefferson, a founding father, noted that "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom."

Start a book of wisdom today.

Remember that the Lord provides the tools we need to face this dangerous world. We need to remember to buckle down and suit up. Start today. Walk in truth. Speak not lies, no matter how terrifying the thought is to speak truth. The Lord walks with you and he will guide you when it is necessary.

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